Calculated Risks: Why Taking Risks is Essential for Success in Business and Life

By Kaizen Routine March 21, 2023 4 Comments 8 Min Read
Calculated RisksPower of Calculated Risks -

Taking risks is a necessary part of achieving success, both in business and in life. Calculated risks, however, is the key to success.

Taking calculated risks involves weighing the potential benefits and drawbacks of a particular decision before taking action.

Let’s explore why taking calculated risks is essential for success in both business and life.

What are Calculated Risks?

Calculated risks involves weighing the potential consequences of a particular decision, considering the likelihood of success or failure, and taking action based on a calculated assessment of the situation.

In contrast to blind or impulsive risk-taking, calculated risks involve a thoughtful and informed approach to decision-making. Rather than taking risks without considering the potential outcomes, individuals who take calculated risks weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks of a particular decision and make an informed decision based on this evaluation.

Taking calculated risks involves a degree of uncertainty, as it is impossible to know with certainty what the outcome of a particular decision will be.

However, by taking a strategic and thoughtful approach to decision-making, individuals can minimize the potential risks and maximize the potential rewards of their actions.

Difference between taking “Risks” & “Calculated Risks”

Taking risks and taking calculated risks are two different approaches to decision-making. Here are some key differences between the two:

  1. Evaluation of Potential Outcomes: When taking risks, individuals may not fully consider the potential outcomes of their actions. In contrast, taking calculated risks involves evaluating potential risks and benefits before taking action.
  2. Assessment of Likelihood of Success: Calculated risks involve weighing the likelihood of success or failure of a particular decision. In contrast, taking risks may involve ignoring or underestimating the potential for failure.
  3. Weighing Potential Consequences: Calculated risks involve considering the potential consequences of a particular decision, both positive and negative. In contrast, taking risks may involve a disregard for the potential consequences of an action.
  4. Strategy and Planning: Taking calculated risks involves a strategic and thoughtful approach to decision-making. In contrast, taking risks may involve impulsivity or a lack of planning.
  5. Risk Tolerance: Individuals who take calculated risks have a higher level of risk tolerance than those who simply take risks. Calculated risk-takers are willing to take risks that have a reasonable chance of success and a potential for significant rewards, whereas those who simply take risks may be more willing to gamble on unlikely outcomes.

Overall, taking calculated risks involves a more thoughtful and strategic approach to decision-making, while simply taking risks may involve impulsivity and a lack of consideration for potential outcomes.

What are the benefits of taking Calculated Risks?

In contrast to taking risks without assessing the potential outcomes, Calculating your Risks can benefit in various different ways. As always, few are listed below:

1. Overcoming fear

One of the biggest obstacles to taking risks is fear. Fear of failure, fear of the unknown, and fear of taking a step outside of our comfort zone can hold us back from achieving our goals.

However, taking calculated risks can help us overcome these fears.

When we take calculated risks, we are able to evaluate the potential outcomes and make informed decisions.

This process can help to mitigate the fear of the unknown, as we have a better understanding of the potential risks and benefits.

2. Learning from failure

Failure is an inevitable part of taking risks. However, failure can also be a valuable learning experience. When we take calculative risks, we are able to learn from our mistakes and make better decisions in the future.

For example, if you are an entrepreneur trying to start a business, taking a calculative risk might involve investing a significant amount of money in a new product line. If the product line fails, you can learn from the experience and make changes to your strategy moving forward.

3. Achieving success

Taking calculated risks is also essential for achieving success.

“The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.”

Mark Zuckerberg, co-founder of Facebook

Without taking risks, we may be unable to push ourselves to reach our full potential. Calculating risks can help us identify opportunities for growth and success, and take action to capitalize on them.

For example, if you are an employee looking to advance in your career, taking a risk might involve speaking up in a meeting or taking on a new project outside of your comfort zone. These risks can help you to demonstrate your skills and abilities, and ultimately lead to career advancement.

4. Innovation

Taking calculative risks can also drive innovation. When we take risks, we are able to explore new ideas and ways of doing things.

This can lead to the development of new products, services, and processes that can transform industries and change the world.

“If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough.”

Elon Musk

For example, companies like Apple and Google are known for taking calculative risks and introducing new products and technologies that have revolutionized the tech industry.

5. Building resilience

Calculating risks can also help us build resilience. When we face challenges or setbacks, we learn to adapt and persevere.

These experiences can help us develop a growth mindset and build the resilience necessary to overcome future obstacles.

For example, if you are an athlete trying to reach a new level of performance, taking a calculated risk might involve pushing yourself to your limits and competing against tougher opponents. While you may not always win, these experiences can help you build the resilience necessary to continue pushing yourself and improving over time.

Tools to plan and enhance your decisions

There are many tools available to help individuals plan and enhance their decision-making process.

These tools can help individuals plan and enhance their decision-making process by providing a structured approach to evaluating options, identifying potential risks and opportunities, and considering multiple perspectives.

  1. Trello: Trello is a project management tool that can be used to organize and prioritize tasks and decisions. It allows users to create boards, lists, and cards to track progress and collaborate with others.
  2. MindMeister: MindMeister is a mind mapping tool that allows users to create visual diagrams of their ideas and information. It can be used to brainstorm ideas, organize information, and identify connections between concepts.
  3. Google Drive: Google Drive is a cloud storage and collaboration tool that allows users to store and share files and documents. It can be used to collaborate on decision-making processes with others, share feedback, and track progress.
  4. Zoom: Zoom is a video conferencing tool that can be used for virtual meetings and collaborations. It allows users to communicate with others remotely and share ideas and information in real-time.
  5. Slack: Slack is a communication and collaboration tool that can be used to facilitate discussions and decision-making processes. It allows users to create channels, share files, and communicate with others in real-time.
  6. SurveyMonkey: SurveyMonkey is an online survey tool that can be used to gather feedback and insights from stakeholders. It can be used to collect data on potential options, evaluate different scenarios, and gather feedback from others.


In conclusion, taking calculated risks is essential for success in both business and life. By evaluating potential risks and benefits and making informed decisions, we can overcome fear, learn from failure, achieve success, drive innovation, and build resilience. While taking risks can be daunting, the benefits of calculated risk-taking can be immense. So, don’t be afraid to take that next step outside of your comfort zone and pursue your goals with calculated risk-taking.


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