Book Review 05 – Ikigai: The Japanese Secret To A Long and Happy Life

By Kaizen Routine June 19, 2023 No Comments 6 Min Read
Ikigai: The Japanese Secret To A Long and Happy LifeIkigai: The Japanese Secret To A Long and Happy Life

Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life” is an inspiring and thought-provoking book written by Héctor García and Francesc Miralles. It delves into the concept of Ikigai, which loosely translates to “reason for being” or “the joy of living,” and explores how finding and embracing one’s Ikigai can lead to a fulfilling and contented life.

The authors provide valuable insights into the principles behind Ikigai, drawing upon the wisdom of the inhabitants of the Japanese island of Okinawa, known for having one of the highest life expectancies in the world.


The authors present a holistic approach to life, highlighting the significance of having a sense of purpose, nurturing strong social connections, engaging in meaningful activities, and living in harmony with nature.

One of the strengths of this book is its ability to blend profound philosophical concepts with practical advice.

It encourages readers to reflect on their own lives, identify their passions and talents, and align them with the needs of the world around them. The authors emphasize the importance of finding a balance between doing what we love, what we are good at, what the world needs, and what we can be rewarded for.

Key Concepts of “the “The Japanese Secret To A Long and Happy Life”

The Book explores the concept of Ikigai and offers insights and practices for finding purpose and fulfillment in life. Here are some key discussion points from the book:

Understanding Ikigai

The book provides a thorough explanation of Ikigai, which is the intersection of what you love, what you are good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for. It emphasizes the importance of finding balance and harmony in these four elements to live a meaningful and happy life.

Identifying your Ikigai

The authors guide readers through a process of self-reflection and introspection to help them identify their Ikigai. They provide practical exercises and examples to help readers explore their passions, strengths, values, and the ways they can contribute to society.

Embracing the Present Moment

The book highlights the significance of being fully present and engaged in the activities we pursue. It encourages readers to find joy and purpose in everyday tasks and to approach each moment with mindfulness and gratitude.

Cultivating Healthy Habits

The authors discuss the importance of nurturing physical and mental well-being. They explore the role of exercise, nutrition, rest, and relaxation in maintaining a balanced and fulfilling life.

Finding Meaning in Work

The book emphasizes the importance of aligning your professional life with your reason for being. It explores ways to find purpose and satisfaction in your career, whether through pursuing your passions, making a positive impact, or seeking personal growth and development.

Building Strong Social Connections

The authors emphasize the role of relationships and social connections in finding happiness and fulfillment. They discuss the value of nurturing deep and meaningful connections with others and the positive impact it has on overall well-being.

Embracing Change and Resilience

The book explores the notion of embracing change and adapting to life’s challenges. It discusses the importance of resilience, flexibility, and the willingness to explore new opportunities and experiences.

Authors also highlights the significance of community and social connections in enhancing well-being. The book emphasizes the power of supportive relationships, both within families and communities, and the role they play in promoting longevity and happiness. It offers valuable lessons on cultivating these connections and nurturing meaningful interactions in our own lives.

While Héctor García and Francesc Miralles presents a wealth of insightful ideas, some readers may find that the book could have provided more practical exercises or step-by-step guidance on how to discover and pursue their own joy of living. The emphasis is more on exploring the concept and presenting case studies rather than providing concrete action plans. However, the book’s purpose is more to spark self-reflection and inspire readers to embark on their own journey of discovering their joy of living.

How Can I get Copy of this Spectacular Book?

  • Hard Cover (Physical Book) – Click Here
  • Free Audio Book – Click Here
  • Kindle – Click Here

The Top 10 Rules of Ikigai

In conclusion, the book is a captivating and enlightening read that offers a fresh perspective on finding purpose and joy in life. It successfully combines philosophical wisdom, scientific research, and real-life stories to provide readers with valuable insights and inspiration.

Whether you are seeking personal fulfilment, a greater sense of purpose, or simply a deeper understanding of what makes life meaningful, this book is sure to resonate with you and guide you on your path to discovering your own reason for being.

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