Power of Association 02: How to Choose the Right People to Surround Yourself

By Kaizen Routine March 27, 2023 2 Comments 7 Min Read
Choose the Right People to Surround YourselfDo you know How to Choose the Right People to Surround Yourself who can lead you to fortunes?

The people we associate with can greatly influence our thoughts, beliefs, and actions.

This is why it’s important to know How to Choose the Right People to Surround Yourself with.

The people we surround ourselves with can have a significant impact on our lives. They can either lift us up or bring us down.

Associating with positive and motivated individuals can help us achieve our goals, whereas associating with negative or unmotivated individuals can hold us back. This is why the power of association is so important.

What can the right people bring into my life?

The right people you associate with can bring many positive things into your life, including:

1. Inspiration

Being around people who are passionate about their work and have a positive attitude can be incredibly inspiring. They can motivate you to pursue your own goals and dreams with greater enthusiasm and commitment.

As an example, at Kaizen Routine we are working hard as possible to inspire people for good and be a reason for their success by providing them the daily dose of continuous growth. So just like that, make it a habit to read and explore things which inspires you, on regular basis such as reading the Kaizen Routine blogs daily and signing up for our newsletter.

2. Knowledge and expertise

Associating with people who are experts in their field or have a wealth of experience can provide you with valuable insights and knowledge. They can help you learn new skills, expand your knowledge base, and develop new perspectives.

3. Support and encouragement

The right people can be a source of support and encouragement during challenging times. They can provide a listening ear, offer advice, and help you stay motivated and focused.

Building relationships with the right people can lead to valuable networking opportunities. They may introduce you to other professionals in your field, offer recommendations or referrals, and help you expand your network.

5. Positive influence

The right people can have a positive influence on your thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors. They can help you adopt healthier habits, challenge negative thinking patterns, and encourage you to take positive actions.

In short, surrounding yourself with the right people can bring many benefits into your life, both personally and professionally. It can help you grow, develop, and achieve your goals more effectively.

How to Choose the Right People to Surround Yourself?

1. Identify Your Goals

“Change starts within ourselves. If we want to change the world, we have to be the change we want to see.”

Mahatma Gandhi

Before you start surrounding yourself with the right people, it’s important to identify your goals. What do you want to achieve? What are your values? Once you have a clear understanding of your goals, it’s easier to identify people who align with them.

2. Evaluate the People in Your Life

Take a step back and evaluate the people in your life.

Who are the people that make you feel energized and motivated? Who are the people that bring you down?

It’s important to be honest with yourself about the people in your life.

3. Surround Yourself with Positive People

Positive people can lift you up and motivate you to be your best self. Surround yourself with people who are positive, supportive, and encouraging.

4. Find Mentors

Mentors can provide guidance and support as you work towards achieving your goals. Look for people who have achieved what you want to achieve and learn from them.

5. Join Groups or Communities

Joining groups or communities with similar interests can help you connect with like-minded individuals. This can be a great way to surround yourself with people who share your values and goals.

6. Limit Your Exposure to Negative People

While it’s not always possible to completely cut negative people out of your life, it’s important to limit your exposure to them. Try to spend less time with people who bring you down and more time with those who lift you up.

Tools to Help You Surround Yourself with the Right People

There are range of tools you can utilize to Help You Surround Yourself with the Right People. Listed below are few of the best results produced tools over the recent past.

  1. LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a great tool for networking and connecting with like-minded professionals.
  2. Meetup: Meetup is a platform that allows you to connect with people who share similar interests and attend events in your area.
  3. Bumble BFF: Bumble BFF is an app that allows you to connect with people in your area who are also looking for friends.
  4. Toastmasters: Toastmasters is an international organization that helps people improve their public speaking and leadership skills. It’s a great way to connect with motivated and like-minded individuals and of course for continuous learning.


Surrounding yourself with the right people can greatly impact your life. The power of association is real and it’s important to choose the right people to surround yourself with.

By identifying your goals, evaluating the people in your life, surrounding yourself with positive people, finding mentors, joining groups or communities, and limiting your exposure to negative people, you can create a positive and supportive network.

Use the tools available to you, to help you connect with like-minded individuals. Remember, the people you surround yourself with can either lift you up or bring you down, so choose wisely just like you chose Kaizen Routine as your dose of continuous Growth.


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